Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

A Letter For You... ! ://

Hey Guys.

This is the first time, i'm gonna write an english post. First of all, i just wanna sorry for my bad english. This post ( letter ) is about a person who i truly love, but i get and got hurt too much. I just want and need to post it. 

This is the part when i say i don’t want ya’ i’m stronger than i’ve been before. If 
you want to keep me you gotta got to love me harder. I promise i’ll take the pleasure, take it with the pain.. And i know that someone else can give you everything but i couldn’t give it to ya.. Can we please make up our minds ? I guess we or i’m wasting my time ’ sometimes i distance myself from you Cause i know you’ll never be mine. I know i can’t have you like you have me.. the truth is i need to let go .. to be honest i remember the day you told me you would break up with me.. now you are back and it’s weird cause you weren’t last time..- Maybe i feel sad about this. Do you know how it feels ? Do you know how it has hurt ? Do you know what it feels like to be a second option .. do you know what it feels like being ignored by the person you truly love and whose attention means everything to you ? I think i can’t do this anymore- i guess i deserve better . I’m not worth it. Somehow i get the feeling that you don’t need me anymore you don’t care anymore like you did before. Maybe you’ve lost intereset in me. But i don’t. I still love you , need you , and care for you. You’re important to me. Remember if we go wrong i’ll still be there for you , loving , caring , needing you..  i really thought that i’m missing you but i guess i was wrong. I won’t tell you that i miss you cause i know you don’t miss me. It seems like i don’t know you anymore.I don’t see the person you used to be. You have changed without realizing to the worst. It’s not the same like it used to be. Now you are a person who i don’t recognize again. Maybe i’m missing you.. No let me correct that i miss you but the old you. I miss the old you who loved me , treated me so well , cared about me , who was always there for me. The old you who gave me power and never left me. The old you who liked to talk with me all the time even though we didn’t know what we should talking about. Now you just call me to tell me that i’m annoying you. I know i fucking know that ok ? I know i’m too annoying but i don’t want to annoy you. I think you have no idea how much you are hurting me. You call me and tell me i’m annoying you and then you break up. I don’t wanna hear this anymore. I don’t like to phone with you for 8 minutes just because i’m too annoying. If i’m annoying you too much then don’t call me. I don’t say that it wouldn’t hurt anymore.. but it would hurt less and not so much. You confuse me. You were different , better ..
You know what you think you know me so well ? I don’t know me. You may know me well but not so well as you think you do. No one knows me really well. You don’t know me. You don’t know what i’m going through. You don’t know and understand my world. No one does. I didn’t know what has changed but i knew that it wasn’t the same anymore.. I guess i know what has changed.. you have changed.. maybe i have changed too.. i don’t know. . I just know that i don’t deserve it anymore. I’m not worth it. The truth is we aren’t meant to be. I need to let go. I gotta go my own way.. You know what ? i really loved you . I really cared about you.. i really wanted you.. everything i have said i meant it. I haven’t lied . You meant everything to me. 
The truth hurts i know.. I’m not sure if you felt the same.. but i know that you have hurt me so much. You broke my heart. You were the first one who broke my heart and left me like i was nothing.. 
It hurts to remember this memory.. i know i’ll never forget this bad memory. Memories last forever but people don’t.. I always said sorry because i didn’t want to lose you and i really thought it was my fault. Maybe it was my fault too. But i shouldn’t said sorry too often. You are the one who should have said sorry.. i have been going through a lot of things because of you. i was hurt for a really really long time. I don’t want to get hurt again.. i don’t know if you just played with me or if you meant it.. but i did. I cared for you , i was always there , you were important to me. I really needed you. I loved you no matter what you have done to me. I always loved you..  you don’t have to tell me that we’ll never be together. I know that i can’t have you. I never will. I’m done i can’t anymore and i don’t wanna live like that. I’m stronger than i have been before. I can’t resist it no more. Truth is i still love you and by the way i don’t miss you , i miss the old you. :// The old times. Our cute talks. Our friendship. Maybe it was my fault why it’s changed. I wish we could go back. Back to the way it was. But i know we can’t . We’ll never go back to the way it was. So it’s time to let go. I’m done with you. I’m sorry.. sorry for giving up.. it’s not that i don’t care for you anymore or that i don’t love , need you. The truth is we are not meant to be. You don’t love , care for , need me like you used to. I really wish you wouldn’t lose interest in me. I really wish i wasn’t so easy to get bored of. I’m sorry i’m not what you wanted and i’m sorry that i’m not perfect for you. Tell me . Can we please go back and start over again ? No matter what’s going to happen between us. Remember that i’ll always care for you , always be there for you. That you can come to me whenever you need me and remember that i’ve never stoped loving you. I’ll always love you even if you don’t.. <3

Yours Truly_

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